The Granstrom Farm in 2015.
Our original Granstrom Evergreens logo from 1985.
Brothers Erik & Lars Granstrom in 1988.
Brothers Erik & Lars Granstrom in 2007.
Frank Granstrom
Founder, Delivery Manager, business Owner
Frank started growing and harvesting Christmas trees back in the 1970's in Oregon and selling them at his tree lot on 44th and Hawthorne in Portland. The business grew through the 1980's to included Christmas Wreaths, Swags and Garlands for the Christmas Tree customers. Through the 1990's and 2000's Granstrom Evergreens gradually transitioned into a full scale Christmas Wreath company that provides it's customers with great fundraising opportunities. In 2006 Granstrom Evergreens, L.L.C. was officially formed with Frank Granstrom and his two sons, Erik and Lars as members.
Frank in his wreath delivery outfit, 2008.
Erik Granstrom
Office Manager, Production Manager, Business Owner
Growing up around the wreath business helped to prepare Erik for his eventual role as the office manager of Granstrom Evergreens, L.L.C. Erik manages the production of the wreaths as well as coordinating with all of the various fundraising customers to ensure all our customers hold a successful wreath fundraiser. Erik and his wife Amanda also make tie dye clothing which they sell on their websites, Made By Hippies and Made By Hippies Tie Dyes.
Erik Granstrom, Age 10, 1989.
Erik Granstrom, Age 35, 2014.
Erik Granstrom, Age 38 and Jasper Granstrom, Age Four Months Old, 2017.
Lars Granstrom
Bough Harvest Manager, Nursery Manager, FARM MECHANIC, Business Owner
The younger of the Granstrom Brothers, Lars oversees and manages the Noble Fir bough harvest each season. Coordinating with the U.S. Forest Service, a twelve man work crew and helicopters to air lift the noble fir boughs from the mountain and then hauling them back to the farm in Troutdale. He also operates a retail and wholesale nursery specializing in Emerald Green Arborvitae and keeps all the farm trucks and tractors in tip top shape.
Lars Granstrom packing up a wreath, 2012.